Friday, October 11, 2024

12 Homemade fertilizers for plants

 1. Banana Peels: Bury or soak for potassium.

2. Coffee Grounds: Great for acidic plants.
3. Eggshells: Crush and sprinkle for calcium.
4. Epsom Salt: Dissolve for magnesium.
5. Molasses: Dilute for nutrients and microbes.
6. Aquarium Water: Full of beneficial nutrients.
7. Wood Ash: Sprinkle for potassium and calcium.
8. Gelatin: Dissolve for leafy growth.
9. Milk: Mix for calcium and protein.
10. Seaweed: Rinse and chop for minerals and growth hormones.
11. Vegetable Scraps: Boil for nutrient-rich broth.
12. Weed Tea: Steep for nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Experiment and nourish your plants for robust growth!

12 homemade fertilizers for plants that you can easily find at home
1. Banana Peels Rich in potassium, bury directly in the soil or soak to make a natural liquid fertilizer.
2. Used coffee beans Perfect for plants that love acidic soils such as roses or blueberries.
3. Eggshells Crush and sprinkle for a root-strengthening calcium boost.
4. Epsom Salt Dissolve a teaspoon in a liter of water to add magnesium to the soil.
5. Molasses Dilute a teaspoon in water to feed soil microbes and nourish your plants.
6. Aquarium water Rich in natural nutrients, use it to water your plants and you will see quick results.
7. Wood ash Sprinkle it on the soil to provide potassium and calcium, but use it sparingly.
8. Gelatin Dissolve in water to encourage lush, lively growth.
9. Milk Mix with water for a fertilizer full of calcium and protein that stimulates flowering.
10. Seaweed After rinsing, cut and mix with soil for minerals and natural growth hormones.
11. Leftover vegetables Cook the leftovers and use the water as a broth full of nutrients for your plants.
12. Grass Tea Boil herbs such as chamomile or nettle to create a rich, natural fertilizer.
These homemade fertilizers are not only economical, but also ecological. Transform your plants with these simple tricks and enjoy a vibrant and healthy garden!

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